Monday, 3 June 2013

Get IP Address Effective Methods 4+

In this tutorial we're going to have a look at how you can gain someone's IP address.

What can I do with someones IP address?

Most people trace people's IP addresses to (D)DoS them. You will need to fill out the persons IP address to do so. Another reason can be that you want to make a complete DoX (Documentation) of a person, or maybe you just want to do a whois search on the IP. There are plenty of things you can do with gaining someones persons IP address.

The URL method:

This is the most easy way to do in a normal situation but it will require some social engineering. You will need to send your victim a link to a website which will then log the IP address of the person who visited that particular link and send hes IP address to you. When the victim visits the link it will turn into a 404 page (there are multiple websites that offer this service, the one we are going to use will result into a 404). This way it's less likely he'll be suspicious. After the link was clicked you will be send the IP address of your victim via mail (again, varies by website).

1) Visit
2) Fill in your email (One that you have access to) and press "Get Link".

[Image: linkqv.png]

3) Assuming you want to stay anonymous, copy one of the first two links and send them to your victim (otherwise choose the third one).
[Image: link2jg.png]
4) Check the email you entered earlier to check the IP of your victim!

Tips & Tricks

Do not use your Yahoo email, it's not supported yet.

Make sure you don't throw your link in a public place (think IRC, chatbox, Twitter). If you do, you will get multiple click and thus multiple emails. This way you won't know which of them is your victim.

The Steam method:

A lot of you guys use Steam and I've been personally using it for years now. In those years though, I have met a lot of "annoying people" and I'm sure you have this too some times so this method might come in handy. You can easily get the IP address of anyone in your friend list. If the person isn't on your friend list and won't accept an friend invite, check the Tips and Tricks under the tutorial.

1) Go to and download Commview (22MB).
2) Extract, install and open Commview.
3) In the top left hand corner, choose your Internet adapter and press the blue start button (The adapter where your network traffic comes from, check your adapter options in Windows to see which one you're using. Usually the right one is already selected).

[Image: steamek.png]

4) As Commview is scanning the in and out coming connections, choose a victim from your Steam friend list and call him.
5) If you did everything right, the IN's will be popping through the roof. This will indicate the IP address of your victim.

[Image: steam2o.png]

6) Copy hes remote IP and have fun!

Tips & Tricks

If your victim doesn't accept you as a friend in the first place, check hes Steam profile for additional information. Maybe he has hes Skype username in there somewhere or some other IM. If he doesn't, create a new free Steam account and add him again.

To verify that you have the right IP, check if the country flag on Commview and hes profile match (If it doesn't, it does not mean you don't have the right IP. He might just have filled in a random country when creating hes Steam account).

The victim doesn't necessarily have to accept your friend request. If he set hes profile as public you can still call/chat with the person. On your friend list, scroll down to check if he does have a public profile.

You can also use Steam resolvers, but those don't normally work.

You can also search for hes Steam ID on Google, maybe he has been banned on a clans server and they put hes IP on the website (happens in various cases).

The Skype Method:

Almost everyone uses Skype these days, but it is also extremely unsecured. If you have someones Skype username, you can instantly get their IP address. Skype is probably the easiest method of obtaining someones IP. You can also use the Steam method on Skype but using a Skype resolver is about 20 times faster. There are tons of free Skype resolvers available right now by doing a quick Google search, but i'll post some here:

1) Get the Skype username of your victim.
2) Go to one of the websites mentioned above.

[Image: skypead.png]

3) Resolve your victims IP address!

Tips & Tricks

There are methods out there on how to make your Skype unresolvable, be aware of that.

If your victim uses a proxy or VPN you will get the wrong IP address, so always do a whois on the IP resolved.

The PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 method:

So you're playing online on your PS3 or Xbox 360 and want to DDoS a particular person offline. You're in luck. You can even get a persons IP address from a game lobby on your PS3 or Xbox 360. So how do we do it? Let's start.

1) Download, install and open Cain and Able from (7.7MB, Should also come with Winpcap).

[Image: caini.png]

2) Click the Start/Stop Sniffer button, now click the Blue plus button. This will scan for all hosts (computers, iPhones, Playstations etc) on the network. At least 1 IP will show up, being your router. Your routers IP address will likely end at .1 or .254.
3) If you have a PlayStation it will state Sony Computer Entertainment under the fingerprint table and with an Xbox 360 Microsoft Corporation. Remember both your routers IP and your Xbox/Playstations IP (I don't have my PS3/Xbox on at the moment).

[Image: cain2k.png]

3) Click "scan MAC addresses" anywhere on the white page. Now click "OK".
4) Go to the ARP tab (bottom of Cain and Able) and click on the upper white page. Now click the blue plus sign again.
5) A big box should open. In the left page, click on the IP of your console. On the right page click on your routers IP.

[Image: cain3.png]

6) Click Start/Stop ARP and join a online match on your console. You should now see all of the IP's of the people in your game.

Tips & Tricks

To get a specific persons IP, host your own match and invite only your victim. Look up your own IP and compare it with the other one on the list.

Cain and Able is NOT, I repeat NOT a virus. Your AV likes to think it is. If you don't trust me, ask anyone with a little knowledge on Hacking

Additional information:

If you are using an IP tracker also known as Geo-location then you will NOT exactly know where the person lives. It will not give you the exact street and house number. Sometimes it even doesn't give you the right city the victim lives in. The country is mostly always accurate though.


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